Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Just Don't Panic...

Well, first off I need to apologize to Anna... I was in a panic about the length of the neckline on my Nothing But a T-Shirt and I sent her an email that just went on and on and on about it. Only because she's a knitting genius who can design her own beautiful striped Sally though so that makes it ok right?? Sheesh...

Anyhow, moments after hitting Send on my "woe is me, whatever shall I do email", I thought " it really THAT long?" and for some reason had the presence of mind (finally) to go get one of my favorite t-shirts and measure it against that. I'm blushing as I say this but they were in fact, the same length. To be perfectly honest, my favorite t-shirt was actually longer than the one I've been in a panic over. Yes, I probably do need professional help or medication of some sort - I tend to get very jumpy just before a project is about to come together. So, my ridiculous fit of unfounded panic has now subsided and here is a picture of the progress thus far. I may need to rip a few rows on the back still but nothing as major as what I had thought was going to happen.

In less neurotic news, look what came in the mail on Monday(!) - it's an absolute gem - if you enjoy the Harlot's blog, you'll really love the book. I'm still cracking up over page 25...hee hee!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you! Right around the time when I'm finishing up a project I start to wonder, "Will it look good? Will it fit the way I want?" It's like a time for getting jumpy.

2:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow look how much progress you've made! From here it looks like you won't have to rip too much of the back at all, really it looks great. Did you manage to find that graph paper?

I'm only up to the bust shaping on the back of my T: I've knitted this far once before, then decided i was making the wrong size so ripped it all... then (you guessed it) decided the size was right after all so had to do it all again. Plus I've had a birthday present to get finished, but I'm hoping to plan my new neckline this weekend.

4:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so envious! I have ordered some Cathay for my T-shirt and I am still waiting for it to arrive. I am also waiting for a copy of the book as well. Still they say patience is good for the soul...

1:48 PM  

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